I will say with great pride, admiration and respect we love these guys. When you work on projects… work projects, wine projects, your family’s storytelling and a website redesign... it’s sensitive and sometime hard to fully open up. Especially talking about yourself. At least, that’s who we are. Modest.
Then we met these guys... Offset including Tyson Caly, Tori Williams and Byron Hoffman (pictured above right). And then of course, an added bonus of the project was working with the incredibly talented and driven photographer named Eric Wolfinger (pictured below). Each meeting each time with these individuals was a complete collaboration of minds and deeply thrilling. As a designer myself, I have high, articulate standards and know exactly what I want. So I thought.
These people push the envelope. They make you go into the place of raw goodness. Our website project become so much more… greater and deeper than we ever expected. More painful at times and then profound and euphoric.

Now as we debut this beauty, we cannot be more proud. Byron Hoffman is an enormously talented designer we worked most closely with. We sat for hours talking, drinking wine, talking about winemaking, winegrowing, the old days, love, marriage, divorce, children... and even a hysterical conversation about a white roll of tp. Everything.
You cannot get to the core of greatness without reaching into the stuff that makes you tick, makes you go wild and love life. That’s what 750, Byron and Eric all managed to do. So enjoy reading and the eye candy on our new website. Enjoy getting to know who Garden Creek really is today. We are thrilled to share this with you after one of the most incredible journeys to get here.
And thank you guys. We love you.